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Handbook to Higher Health Consciousness


My latest book. It has the potential to transform the lives of many people. â€‹

TRS-80 Graphics:
For the Model I and Model II

My first book, written with the able assistance of my friend and colleague, Susan Thomas.​

FX-80 Printer Manual

My first printer manual with Epson.​

Getting the Most out of Your Epson Printer

Another collaboration with my Dad.​

Test Manual for Smith's
The Nature of Mathematics

The only math-based book of the lot.​

The Printed Word


Writing for Microsoft Press was an honor for my Dad and I. We made Word do things that the designers didn't even realize it could do.

TRS-80 Word Processing with SuperScripsit


This book took users of SuperScripsit well beyond the scope of the user's manual.​

FX-80 Series Printer Manual

An expansion of the FX-80 printer manual.​

Getting the Most out of Your Epson Printer

The Italian translation.​

Mastering Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go! was one of the major early desktop publishing programs. Who knew that Pagemaker would become dominant.  ​

Macintosh Graphics and Sound

Programming techniques in Microsoft BASIC to create graphics and sound on the Macintosh.

RX-80 Printer Manual

The manual for the new sporty printer line.

Getting the Most out of Your Epson Printer

The German translation.​

Silicon Press Manual

User manual for this early word processing software.​

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