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References for Plant-Based Healing Presentation
Slide 5
1949 fire in Montana
Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. released 10/5/2012 Aisle C Productions
Slide 10
86% of the $3.6 trillion spent on health care in the US is for treating chronic diseases
Slide 10
About 47% of the US population has at least one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Slide 10
Predicted that half of Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic in the next 10 years
Slide 28
China Study, one of the most comprehensive studies of human nutrition ever conducted
Slide 41
Chronic diseases are responsible for 7 out of every 10 deaths in the US
Slide 42
Heart disease, cancer, and stroke alone cause more than 50% of all deaths each year.
Slide 43
The rate of obesity has also increased . . .
Slide 45
Increase of prescription medications.
Slide 50
There are numerous cultures around the world in which heart disease is virtually non- existent.
Slide 57
Processed foods make up about 70% of the US diet
Slide 59
The food industry spends $10 - $15 billion on marketing junk food to our kids every single year.
Slide 111
Traditional Okinawan diet in the 1940s
Slide 112
Okinawan diet pie chart
Slide 113
The average American gets 34% of their calories from meat . . .
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Numerous studies show that people following low carb, high fat diets have a much higher risk of mortality from all causes.
Slide 118
Following a low carb, high fat diet could shorten your life expectancy by four years.
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A study recently published in the journal Science concluded that "ditching or reducing animal products . . ."
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A person eating a vegan diet indirectly consumes 600 less gallons of water a day than a person eating the Standard American Diet.
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