Beyond the Tofu Scramble
Whipping up a satisfying omelet in a vegan kitchen has not always been easy. The usual solution is to make a tofu scramble. That works, but it is not really reminiscent of an omelet. Now there is another option - VeganEgg by Follow Your Heart.

I noticed this product in its egg carton container for months in the market before I finally decided to see what it was all about. It turns out to be a powder that you mix with ice-cold water. When you pour it on a hot pan, it cooks up very much like scrambled eggs. It doesn't taste exactly the same as eggs, so you'll want to add some seasoning to adjust it to your tastebuds. I found that black salt (available online) adds a strong egg-like smell and flavor. Don't add too much; it's very strong. Taste it before you add more. Also, keep the black salt in a sealed container, because it will smell up your spice cupboard if exposed.
In my trial run, the VeganEgg mixture cooked up very much like eggs, but not quite as stiff, so I decided to use it as a base. I added a lot of chopped vegetables (zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, beans, corn, bell peppers, and some leafy greens), and a few spices. In fact, I added so many vegetables that it kind of drowned out the Vegan Egg. No matter. It still had an omelet-like consistency and tasted really good.
I scooped it into a bowl and topped with sliced avocado, salsa, and corn.